Creating A More Loving, Joyful, Healthy, Prosperous, Fun And Peaceful World
Join us in our mission of spreading love and healing around the globe

Enjoy a few moments (3-5 minutes) every day at 12 noon Feeling Love, Joy, and Gratitude with people around the world. This is a fun way to raise feelings of Love, Joy, and Gratitude in you while raising the level of Love, Joy, and Peace in the world.
Then Shine Love and Healing to a friend who is hurting or a nation whose citizens are hurting such as the people living in the Middle East or Ukraine to help create a more peaceful world. For anywhere there is more Love, there is more Joy and where there is Joy there is more Peace.
Share A Global Moment Of Love with your friends and family and with everyone on your Social Media and encourage them to join.
If you invite 100 of your friends on Social Media to be Love Ambassadors = 100
They invite 100 of their friends = 10,000
Then the 10,000 invites 100 of
their friends = 1,000,000
Then the 1,000,000 invites 100 of
their friends = 100,000,000
And then the 100,000,000 invite 10 of their
friends = One Billion People bringing Joy, Love,
Gratitude, and Peace into the World!
The goal of a Love Ambassador is to help raise the level of Love and Joy in all life on earth by having millions of people in each time zone around the world engaging in A Global Moment of Love. Think of the power of millions of people coming together in Love, Joy, and Gratitude to create a more Loving, Joyful, and Peaceful world.

Global Love Moment
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Global Love Ambassador
Every month
2 Dollar a Month Sponsorship
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Join the Global Love community
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Living A Meaningful Life a guide from "For the Love of Joy"
Joy Ambassador
Every month
10 Dollar Sponsorship
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Join the Global Love community
Join our Email List and get reminders for global love
Receive a Access to the Daily Love Meditation
Living A Meaningful Life a guide from "For the Love of Joy"
Standing in your power from "For the Love of Joy"
World Peace Ambassador
Every month
20 Dollar Sponsorship
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Receive a Access to the Daily Love Meditation
Special meditation for "The Power Of Living Words"
For The Love Of Joy Ebook
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10% of every donation goes towards feeding and improving the lives of children in Uganda
One off donations can be made here:

Robert Schoenfeld is a gifted Artist, Author, Joy Activist, Teacher, Healer, and Radio Host. Robert has traveled the world and observed different levels of JOY, HAPPINESS, LOVE, and more in each place he has visited. Now, Robert is stepping into the world to introduce The "Global Moment Of Love" to help create a more Loving, Joyful, Prosperous, and Peaceful World.
Robert"s goal is inspire over One Billion people to take 5 minutes daily to bring Love, Beauty, and Joy in their lives to enrich their lives with Love, Beauty, and Joy while creating a more Loving, Beautiful, Joyous, and Peaceful world.
Robert’s art is collected by corporate and private collectors throughout the US and the world, including Boeing Corporation, Hewlett Packard, IBM London, Nordstrom, Citicorp, Swedish Hospital, Westin Hotels, and Sheraton Hotels. He is also the author of "The Global Moment of Love", a book that shares his vision for creating a more loving, joyful, and peaceful world.

From the Founder of the Global Moment of Love
Are you ready to have more Joy, Passion, Abundance, Health, Love, Inner Peace, Fun, Adventure, Creativity, Wisdom, Power, and Romance in your life? What are you waiting for? Jump into this fun and inspiring 30-day adventure into Love, Health, and Abundance, and watch your life sparkle with Joy! For the Love of Joy will guide and inspire you to take your life to a higher level. This book will help you raise your Joy Set Point so that your life will flow more easily and joyfully. You can view our shipping policies here.
10% of every donation goes towards feeding and improving the lives of children in Uganda
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